Saturday, October 17, 2009


sesuatu yang sangat menarik untuk dipelajari.cara penggunaan perisian ini telah diajar oleh en.junaidi.jadi selepas ini bila tiba masanya perisisan ini akanku gunakan sebaik-baiknya.
*daripada pengamatan siti nazila raihan bt othman perisian ini sangat berguna apabila guru tidak dapat masuk ke kelas untuk mengajar dan juga untuk lebih memberi kefahaman kepada pelajar tentang sesuatu konsep.....ganbatte kudasai sensei

Friday, October 16, 2009

my teaching phylosophy

My students come from a diverse educational and family background.As an educator and a trainer who is quite fortunate to be in constant contact with these people, I constantly strive to make learning fun, interactive, encouraging, rewarding, and above all, purposeful. There is a need to constantly innovate and experiment, or else these ideas would reduce to mere rhetoric.
There is a need for a paradigm shift amongst educators; from the paradigm of blaming the students for their failures to that of accepting responsibilities to make teaching more effective.I strongly believe that learning should create selfless people who have the interest of mankind at heart as opposed to those who learn for primarily for his own worldly and material gains. My ultimate goal is to create a selfless and caring intellectuals with the insatiable desire to quest and disseminate knowledge and to equip them the capacity for life-long learning, as oppose to those who learn just to survive.


Ass. Simulation Edit

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